瓦伦西亚 Arkoslight 办公项目的设计开始于探索将办公区与产品展示区结合。新的概念旨在加强自然光与人造光的交汇。设计中布置了充满活力的中心庭院,并采取一些方式让空间开放。
The starting point for the design of the offices of Arkoslight in Ribarroja del Turia (Valencia) was to explore the integration of the work areas with the company showroom. With the configuration of a vigorous central patio and an open approach of the spaces, the new concept aims to facilitate the meeting of natural light and the brand's luminaires.  
Francesc Rife | 西班牙Arkoslight办公室设计|Francesc Rife studio - 2
Francesc Rife | 西班牙Arkoslight办公室设计|Francesc Rife studio - 2 ×
This lobby, featuring a composition of SPIN suspension lamps, faces a glazed enclosure that delimits the courtyard and has been enriched with aluminum profiles on the outside, and wood inside. The composition has as particularity small shutters that enclose the windows, while its transverse and longitudinal transparency, bathes of light not only the work areas, but also the part of the factory annexed to this extension.  
Francesc Rife | 西班牙Arkoslight办公室设计|Francesc Rife studio - 5
Francesc Rife | 西班牙Arkoslight办公室设计|Francesc Rife studio - 5 ×
  为了增进员工间的交流,在产品展示区与一些办公区之间架起飞桥作为水平向的连接。在这条通道上,另一个重要的集会空间是自助餐厅,它完善了人们在办公室的体验,并与项目其他部分在风格上保持一致。另一方面,公共开放区的声学设计很重要。天花板上装有一系列被 Kvadrat 布包住的吸声板,它们还有助于带给人审美上温暖的感觉。在它们中间还安置了公司的照明产品。
The action in general lines sought to facilitate the meeting between employees so a large flown bridge makes the horizontal link between the showroom and some of the work areas. In this line, another significant meeting space is a cafeteria completes the experience in offices and follows the same discourse materiality as to the rest of the project. On the other hand, the acoustics in the open work areas to which a sequence of sound-absorbing plates upholstered in dark blue Kvadrat fabric has been incorporated into the ceiling, also contributing to the aesthetic warmth, is of great importance. Among them, different models of luminaires of the firm have been integrated.  
Francesc Rife | 西班牙Arkoslight办公室设计|Francesc Rife studio - 8
Francesc Rife | 西班牙Arkoslight办公室设计|Francesc Rife studio - 8 ×