基地是附属在母公司建筑外侧的办公空间,希望空间与建筑物产生更多的对话性,因此在设计入口处时创造了一道弧形的墙面串连两个空间的关系,新入口改变了方向,原玻璃墙变成了弯曲的石墙,减少了外部干扰。通过使用石材从室外延伸到室内空间去营造空间之间的连结。 The architecture is an office near outside of the headquarters, the design hope to create more coordination between space and architecture. The curved wall at the entrance is created to connect the office and headquarters, by using stone materials to extend interior space from outdoors and can reduce the external interference. The new stone wall extends the original arc of the building.  
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 1
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 1 ×
  入口改为侧面进入的动线,设计师将挑空空间移至办公区,让入口只有一个楼层的高度,视觉从收敛转而开阔。进入室内即被终点的自然光所吸引,形成一道无形的动线指引,将原本封闭的墙壁打通设置落地窗,并在外面种植树木引入绿意与天光,使环境更舒适。 The side entrance breaks the original pattern, we transform the office area into an atrium, so that there is only a difference of one floor, you will first see the ground level before the second level. The space converges and then open. After entering the room, you are drawn to the natural light which creates a path from start to finish. Open the originally closed walls and set the French windows to create a comfortable environment for people to appreciate nature.  
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 2
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 2 ×
  工作区后方设置了建材展示区与选样区,提供使用者收纳建材与讨论的空间,在该区设计上亦延续了清水模的元素,期待在空间中使用最少的材料,创造空间的延续感。空间透过连接上下书柜,增加两层楼之间的关联性,创造连续性的感受。楼梯则扶墙而上,踏阶以植筋的方式轻触于墙面,呈现出轻巧的视觉感,让每一阶独立的踏阶就像是漂浮在空间中,利用书柜墙降低对工作区的干扰,使工作区域更加稳定。 The display areas of building materials and samples are set behind the working area to provide users a place to collect and discuss. The usage of exposed form element is continued to minimize the use of materials and create the continuation of space. The bookcase is used to make sense of the flow between floors. By combining the upper and lower bookcase, the connection between the two floors is increased. The steps are planted on the wall and present light visual sense to make every single step like floating in space. We use the bookcase to reduce disruption to making the work area more stable.  
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 3
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 3 ×
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 13
高雄大境和观办公室设计|橙田建筑室研所 - 13 ×