工作室joanna laajisto改造了赫尔辛基的一家旧面包工厂,为芬兰广告公司bob the robot创造了一个新家。该项目始于客户希望办公空间脱离传统,并以适度的预算挑战这一目标。
transforming an old bread factory in helsinki, studio joanna laajisto has created a new home for finnish advertising agency bob the robot. the project began with the client wishing for an office space that broke away from traditions, and challenged this aim with a modest budget.  
厂房改造之芬兰广告公司bob the robot改造设计|joanna laajisto - 1
厂房改造之芬兰广告公司bob the robot改造设计|joanna laajisto - 1 ×
the over six-meter high industrial space, totalling 1,500 sqm, is divided into public and private areas to ensure interactions on many different levels. at the entrance, public spaces like the lobby and cafe encourage employees and customers to mingle. meeting rooms are situated along the long corridor that leads to the rear. here, as well as on the second floor loft, are spaces specifically for employees only.  
厂房改造之芬兰广告公司bob the robot改造设计|joanna laajisto - 2
厂房改造之芬兰广告公司bob the robot改造设计|joanna laajisto - 2 ×